First I drink the coffee, then I grind the knives

First I drink the coffee, then I grind the knives

“What about showing me how to sharpen a knife?”

I often hear this question when I’m out and about, so I answered truthfully, “I would love to.”

It led to a two-hour training that took even me by surprise. Who would have thought that a blind woman would learn so quickly?  I certainly learned as much as she did, and plan to write more about that in another post. Let’s just say that the more I teach, the better I get at explaining the little nuances that make my knives “sharper than the rest!”

The context for this story was a class on forging a knife I taught as part of Nicole Sauce’s Living Free in Tennessee Spring Workshop. You may recognize Nicole as the roaster for Holler Roast Coffee, my main coffee this last year. Now, everyone who knows me realizes that I love coffee, and that I’m as particular about what I drink as I am about making the perfect knife. Nicole and I have been working to find the right bean and roast in a blend I could recommend, and we finally found it!


You can now buy Patrick’s Private Reserve at

You’ll get a $2/pound discount if you’re a MT Knives Private Reserve member.

And speaking of…

MT Knives Private Reserve membership

It’s fun, smart, and cheap. You get so much:

drawings for gear
member-only content
a free resource download
discounts on 11 (and counting) quality products and services that I choose very, very carefully

You can see that the $50 annual subscription more than pays for itself.

That’s a ton of reasons to start your MTK Private Reserve membership today.

Good News

We’re up to date with Private Reserve drawings!

Entry in June’s drawing for a kitchen knife is automatic for every Private Reserve member. 

Membership is annual

Here’s a reminder that your MTK Private Reserve membership is automatically renewed on the membership anniversary date by charging another year’s membership to the payment method you selected. If that’s not OK with you, just let me know,, and I’ll end your subscription and refund the leftover portion.

Privacy is important

It’s also time to reiterate MTK’s privacy policy. To summarize, if you submit a contact form from, we collect the information you supply plus your IP address. Beyond that, we collect data about what you view and buy – mostly so we can fill orders – but store it only while that data is relevant. Website administrators and store managers have access to your submitted personal data while it’s relevant. You can request and receive an iteration of the personal data we hold about you, and can request and have us delete it. We do not sell our email list at all. Ever. We don’t ever see the sensitive information you provide payment processing vendors in order to complete a sale. We don’t retain sensitive payment data. All data is securely stored and can be accessed only by authorized MT Knife staff.

 Have a good summer: swim, farm, enjoy, and keep your knives as sharp as your wit.

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