$600 Knife Shop

$600 Knife Shop

$600 Knife Shop


Most everyone has heard of the book $50 Knife Shop. If you have not then that is a good place to start on building a shop. I get asked often what tools people should buy. Unfortunately there is no one answer to the question. It depends on each persons budget, goals, and work space. I started my shop with about $1000 of tools. I bought an Anvil, Drill Press, 4X36 Grinder, and a bandsaw. I already had basic hand tools, I built a forge from scrap from the scrap yard and started making knives. Not long after that I built my first 2×72 grinder from an old treadmill I picked up for cheap and didn’t get used much. 


Here are some tools I recommend, if you click on the title or pictures it will take you to Amazon. 


Drill Press-

I personally own 2 of these, it is nice to have 2-3 drill presses dedicated for certain size bits. It speeds things up when you are not constantly changing bits out.  


Belt Sander-

I do not personally own one of these but know of several makers who do. I have used one and they work. This would be one tool that if you can afford it I would recommend getting a 2X72. You can get one for around $1200 on up. Your knives will stay cooler and you can grind longer. The abrasive is cheaper as well, so a 2X72 will pay for itself over time. You will also find a million other uses for it having one around. 




A small bandsaw like this is helpful even after you get a larger nicer saw. Sure beats using a hacksaw, and will save time sanding cutting your scales down to size rather than filing or grinding away excess. 


Metal Bandsaw 

I started out with a chop saw and boy was it sketchy. A bandsaw like this isn’t much more and will cut more efficiently and with less heat. This saw is great for cutting vertical or horizontal. It comes with a work rest that bolts on so you can use it upright. I have cut out plenty of blanks on a saw similar to this. 


Last but not least, is a Professional Knife Sharpener! This isn’t included in the $600 shop but is one of the tools that will pay for itself quickly! It also says a lot about a maker, I am always surprised when you get a custom knife that isn’t sharp. I love helping others learn how to properly sharpen a knife! 

If you take up knife making be sure to send me your pictures of your shop and knives you make. I enjoy seeing what you all make! I hope this helps you save time and money when starting out. I will be teaching another knife class in TX at The Survival Podcast Fall Workshop. If you would like to come and make your first knife or maybe you just want to learn more. Be on the lookout for the sign up over at thesurvivalpodcast.com or sign up for my mailing list.

Thank You,

Patrick Roehrman

MT Knives LLC



The post $600 Knife Shop appeared first on mtknives.net.

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